Lee, Rav and I have been working on making felt sun ornaments for our "Solstice Branch." LOTS of sun ornaments. As I was working on them one morning, Zora got up next to me at the table and said, "I like suns Much!" "Make-a-suns, Mommy?"
Then she grabbed some floss out of the box and started bunching up bits of it and placing it onto the already embroidered faces.
After awhile, she held one up, saying, "I did it! I make-a-sun, Mom! Make more!" Then she moved on to the next.
(see that one with her tongue out? that is a daddy inheritance)
After awhile, I cut her out a sun, and embroidered a Z and some designs on it - asking her which colors to use. Then I cut the back out, and had her place a color on. Once she was satisfied, I would quickly stitch it in place with a few stitches, and we would move on to the next. When it was finished, she was thrilled. "My's Sun!" Everytime she sees it she says, "My's Sun" again. It is beyond cute.
Once they were all finished, we piled them up to see what we had done. Zora gave us another, "I like suns, Much!"
And then we hung them on the solstice branch!
(I like the suns a lot too!)